Green Planet Parties has started in 2018 and has one simple mission, and that is to make the world a place more fun in a cost effective, eco-friendly way. If you are wondering why? It’s all because people think it has to be expensive to go eco-friendly, people also think that fun and environmental friendly doesn’t go hand in hand, we believe that’s not true.
We believe that having fun in an Eco-friendly way should be friendly to our pockets too, so we provide party supplies made from 100% environmental friendly materials that would still keep you in the budget. This is for the nonprofits, the church and schools, our friends on a budget to be able to create more reasons for people to smile while making every moment more special. We offer more than 50,000 environmental friendly products to fit all of your event needs.
Whether you’re a Sunday school teacher searching for cool crafts or a business owner searching for the best reward to recognize your top employee, a mother hosting a birthday, or even an environmentalist searching for party needs, we have it all for you. We aim to make your imagination happen; we aim to help you celebrate special moments in a way that it won’t damage our environment. As you begin to spark imaginations and celebrate very special moments, we are here to help you.
Let’s go ahead and start spreading fun in an eco-friendly way! We are a one stop fun store that’s committed to making your experience friendly to the environment, fun, and inexpensive and all at the same time FAST. We offer the best customer service to help in serving you better, a delivery as quick as it could possibly be, and a hassle free return and exchange policy to make sure that no party is put on hold. Your happiness and the environments health is guaranteed as you shop with Green Planet Parties.